صفحه محصول - پاورپوینت مبانی پیشگیری زخم فشار و مراقبت از زخم

پاورپوینت مبانی پیشگیری زخم فشار و مراقبت از زخم (pptx) 65 اسلاید

دسته بندی : پاورپوینت

نوع فایل : PowerPoint (.pptx) ( قابل ویرایش و آماده پرینت )

تعداد اسلاید: 65 اسلاید

قسمتی از متن PowerPoint (.pptx) :

بنام خدا مبانی پیشگیری زخم فشار و مراقبت از زخم نقاط فشار شایع اصطلاحات Induration: Tissue firmness that may occur around a wound margin Erythema: An inflammatory redness of the skin due to engorged capillaries Maceration: Softening of a tissue by soaking until the connective tissue fibers are so weakened that the tissue components can be teased apart Undermining: a tunneling effect or pocket occurring under the pressure ulcer edges or margins Slough: Nonviable tissue is loosely attached and characterized by string-like, moist, necrotic debris; yellow, green, or gray in color اصطلاحات Eschar: Nonviable (dead) wound tissue characterized by a leathery, black crust covering an underlying necrotic process Granulation: Formation in wounds of soft, pink, fleshy projections consisting of new capillaries surrounded by fibrous collagen اصطلاحات مرحله یک زخم بستر Intact skin with non-blanchable redness of a localized area may be difficult to detect in a patient with darkly pigmented skin tones — Assess the surrounding area to observe differences in skin color Also assess the area for: Pain Warmth or coolness Firmness or softness as compared with adjacent tissue Stage I

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